MBA Project Type: HR
Project ID: 1005
Description: The Indian textile industry has its roots going back several thousand years. After the industrial revolution in Europe, this sector in India also saw its growth of an industrial complex. Today the industry contributes around 14 percent to industrial production in the country. It is estimated to directly employ approximately 35 million people, it accounts to 27 percent of the country’s exports, and in sum, an important economic engine for the nation. There is a great need for good working condition in an industry. The improved working condition leads to improved productivity. Some of the basic reasons for the need for good working conditions are : to increase the loyalty of the employees towards the organization, to reduce injuries due to bad working conditions of machineries, to increase productivity, to reduce resistance due to change, enhancing employees interest towards work, to reduce absenteeism and tardiness, to strengthen the morale and employee commitment.
Project Report Pages: 55
Can be used in: HR
Project Cost: Rs 1500 / $ 30
Synopsis Cost: Rs 350 / $ 7
Delivery Time: Within 12 hours.
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