MBA Project Type: HR
Project ID: 1125
Description: Absenteeism has been recognized as a vital issue, which affects the production of the organization and the community as a whole. It is not only harm to the industry but also its harm to the whole nation. So absenteeism is a chronic factor, which eats up the industries hard earned profits. The main problem, which MRF faces today, is the absenteeism of workmen. The main objectives of the study is to find the reasons for absenteeism, to find the level of satisfaction of the workers towards various schemes introduced by the company to reduce absenteeism and to find the relationship between absenteeism and the various factors leading to absenteeism.
Project Report Pages: 60
Can be used in: HR
Project Cost: Rs 1750 / $ 35
Synopsis Cost: Rs 350 / $ 7
Delivery Time: Within 12 hours.
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