MBA Project Type: HR
Project ID: 1132
Description: The project entitled “Employee Retention Techniques of EXIM Knitters” from Tirupur, textile goods manufactures various men’s and women’s wear products and the survey was conducted in Tirupur region. The main objective is to study the Employee Retention Techniques of textile industries and also know the factors affecting their employees and workers maintaining in the organization.
The researcher has adopted descriptive research studies, the sampling method is convenient sampling because population is infinite and the sample size consists of 50 for this research. This work is carried out through self-administered questionnaires. The primary data has been collected directly from respondent and the secondary data was collected from internet and references from Library. The data is analyzed on the basis of suitable tables by using percentage analysis. The technique that I have used is bar graphs. And Chi-Square test is used to test the hypothesis.
Project Report Pages: 50
Can be used in: HR
Project Cost: Rs 1500 / $ 30
Synopsis Cost: Rs 350 / $ 7
Delivery Time: Within 12 hours.
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