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Effectiveness of the Existing Appraisal System at Air India and to Suggest Measures for the Improvement of the System (MBA HR)

MBA Project Type: HR

Project ID: 1053

Description: The research work was undertaken in “Indian airlines” one of the largest regional airline systems in Asia, under the title “ A STUDY ON PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM (PAS) IN AIR INDIA “. The main objectives of the research is to: To study the existing PAS for Executives in Air India with regard to critically examining the various formats being utilized for PAS and Its interaction with other HRD subsystem. To study the Senior. Executives opinion regarding PAS in Air India, to suggest measures for improvement of PAS for Senior Executives based on the finding of the study. The limitations of the research are, the study is based on the opinions expressed where there is a great tendency for fluctuations in response and behavior, which can lead to certain distortions. The questionnaire method carries with it certain inherent limitations, which have to be considered. The duration given to the respondents to answer is rather limited and hence further analysis could not be made based on the observation of the study. The fear psychosis that the result of the study would be revealed to the management, which may affect them, would have prevented the respondents from very honestly furnishing their response.
Project Report Pages: 75

Can be used in: HR

Project Cost: Rs 1500 / $ 30

Synopsis Cost: Rs 350 / $ 7

Delivery Time: Within 12 hours.

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