MBA Project Type: HR
Project ID: 1482
Description: Technologies based on AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) are becoming increasingly important in HR operations. Companies are focusing on more realistic solutions. ML (Machine Learning) algorithms are currently making inroads in several HR activities. This study provides an overview of critical HRM work functions where AI-based solutions, particularly ML techniques, can be applied to improve the accuracy of HRM work processes. This study discusses the unique potential and likely opportunities of AI technologies and focuses on the attributes of (a) employee engagement, (b) corporate culture management, (c) and evaluation. The use of ML techniques decision tree and logistic regression increases the chance that the solutions are meaningful and able to provide an ideal evaluation process. If solutions in this direction are created, they can be useful for companies in the management of strategic operational practices in the management of strategic human resources.
Project Report Pages: 64
Can be used in: HR
Project Cost: Rs 2375 / $ 47.5
Synopsis Cost: Rs 375 / $ 7.5
Delivery Time: 2 working days.
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